Welcome to Murphysboro High School

5 months ago

Welcome to Murphysboro High School (50 Blackwood Drive, Murphysboro, IL 62966) host site of the 2024-25 IHSA 1A Boys Soccer Sectional Tournament. Should you need any additional information, please feel to contact Red Devils Athletic Director Jeremy Marshall (jmarshall@mhs.org).
Class 1A Soccer Sectional

Murphysboro High School

50 Blackwood Dr. (Google map,other maps)

Murphysboro, IL 62966

Phone: 618-687-2336

Fax: 618-687-3532

School Web Site: sportszone.mhs.org

Sectional Semifinals Sat., Oct. 26 - 3pm and 5pm

Sectional Championship Wed., Oct. 30 - 6pm

Father McGivney
Breese Mater Dei
Digital Ticket Through GoFan